Full Body Massage

Full Body Massage

A full body massage is a relaxing massage to include all the areas of your body including your arms, legs, hands, feet, neck, back, stomach and glutes.

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Clients who request a full body massage are generally stressed and tense all over with no area specifically requiring attention.  The techniques used are gentle swedish massage techniques and this massage could be considered less therapeutic than other massages.  The aim is for the client to experience an overall sense of calm and relaxation.  It is particularly good for a client who may have dry skin, or whose circulation system is not functioning well.  Although the massage therapist may use gentle pressure on the muscles and joints, the client should still feel less pain and tension afterwards. 

This type of massage may be good for anyone who is sensitive to touch.  The techniques used are generally long, slow, calming strokes always working in the direction of the heart.  Circular motions for kneading and wringing will also be slower and less intense than in deep tissue massage.  The therapist will require you to turn half way through the treatment to allow him/her to work on both sides of your body.  If you have any sensitivities around the stomach area it is important that you communicate this to your therapist before or during the treatment.  Gentle massaging techniques e.g. knuckling or rocking around the stomach area can be a welcome sensation for some people and be a nightmare for others.  Let your therapist know.

Benefits of Full Body Massage


Reduced Muscle Tension

Improved Circulation

Stimulation of the lymphatic system

Increased joint mobility and flexibility

Improved recovery of soft tissue injuries

Heightened mental alertness

Reduce Stress

Eliminate Toxins

Improve Flexibility

Enhance Immunity


Opening Hours

Monday: 9am-8pm
Tuesday: 9am-8pm
Wednesday: 9am-8pm
Thursday: 9am-8pm
Friday: 9am-8pm
Saturday: 9am-8pm
Sunday: CLOSED

Contact Details

New Abbey, Kilcullen
Co. Kildare